Lake Tapps Christian Church's Giving Experience Is Changing!
We have transitioned to a new digital giving platform called Subsplash Giving!
We believe this change will make generosity easier and more convenient for you, including new options like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, as well as reduce organizational costs for LTCC which will save valuable resources so we can give more towards our mission of equipping and empowering people to know God, grow in faith, and go with purpose!
For current recurring givers, please log into Pushpay (our old giving platform) and disconnect your financial information before registering for Subsplash Giving.
We believe this change will make generosity easier and more convenient for you, including new options like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, as well as reduce organizational costs for LTCC which will save valuable resources so we can give more towards our mission of equipping and empowering people to know God, grow in faith, and go with purpose!
For current recurring givers, please log into Pushpay (our old giving platform) and disconnect your financial information before registering for Subsplash Giving.
Ways To Give
Give Online
Give through our new Subsplash platform
There are drop boxes by each door as your leave the Worship Center
Mail A Check
Mail your gift to P.O. Box 8252 Bonney Lake, WA 98391
1. God owns everything
God created the Earth and everything in it, including us (Gen 1), and therefore everything is his. This eternal truth must drive how we approach every aspect of our lives, including finances. We strive to use what God has given us in ways that honor him, trusting that when we do so our lives will work better because we are operating more in line with how we were created. Also, the Bible teaches that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). We recognize all the good things that God has done for us, and in gratitude we give out of the resources that he has entrusted to us.
2. Giving money is an act of faith in God and his promises
Financial generosity demonstrates our belief and trust that God is good and that he is leading us to better places. We don’t give based on worldly circumstances like how our financial portfolio is performing, or worldly concerns like how satisfied we are with the decisions that our church leadership makes. Instead, we faithfully give money away because we desire to honor, worship, and draw closer to the creator of the universe, in whom we place our trust (Matt 6:19-34). Also, the #1 way that the world distracts us from God and his goodness is with money. Jesus repeatedly and forcefully warns us about the power that money can have over our lives (Matt 6:19-24), therefore, we give to ensure money doesn’t corrupt us and we instead remain focused on the life-giving truth of Jesus.
3. The Bible sets the tithe as the cornerstone of financial giving. We see this as a great goal to work towards
The tithe is established in the Old Testament before the law is given (Gen 14:20, Gen 28:20-22, Deut 26:1-2, 2 Chr 31:4-5), and it is reaffirmed by Jesus (Luke 11:42). Tithing means giving the first 10% of your gross income to your local church.
Why the local church? The examples we have in scripture are of tithe money supporting the work of the local faith community, and in our context that equals the local church. Further, God has clearly used our local church, Lake Tapps Christian Church, to reach people and change lives, including our own, so we acknowledge that by further investing in that entity. The tithe applies to any income level.
With the tithe comes a promise of blessing from God (Mal 3:10). This promise doesn’t always mean we will be blessed financially, but it does always mean we will see more of God in our lives.
Christians can genuinely debate whether the tithe is mandatory today, but what is not up for debate is Jesus’ call for all of his followers to go above and beyond norms to financially sacrifice for others (Matt 19:16-30), and the tithe is an excellent starting point with a strong biblical precedent.
Why the local church? The examples we have in scripture are of tithe money supporting the work of the local faith community, and in our context that equals the local church. Further, God has clearly used our local church, Lake Tapps Christian Church, to reach people and change lives, including our own, so we acknowledge that by further investing in that entity. The tithe applies to any income level.
With the tithe comes a promise of blessing from God (Mal 3:10). This promise doesn’t always mean we will be blessed financially, but it does always mean we will see more of God in our lives.
Christians can genuinely debate whether the tithe is mandatory today, but what is not up for debate is Jesus’ call for all of his followers to go above and beyond norms to financially sacrifice for others (Matt 19:16-30), and the tithe is an excellent starting point with a strong biblical precedent.
4. Those who give money to Lake Tapps are considered part of the Lake Tapps team.
Those who engage with Lake Tapps, but don’t financially support Lake Tapps, are certainly part of our community but have not yet joined the team. Jesus teaches, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). The kingdom of God advances through groups of people, and that is primarily done in our culture through the local church, so we pool our resources at Lake Tapps to aggressively pursue the mission that God gives to our team.
Jesus calls all of his followers to go above and beyond norms to financially sacrifice for others (Matthew 19:16-30). Your giving fuels life-change. It is only through the financial generosity of everyday people in our community that Lake Tapps is allowed to lead the community loving God & loving others. We believe money given to Lake Tapps is to be spent aggressively in areas where we see God moving.

We run hard after our friends and neighbors with the goal of sharing the way of Jesus with and providing resources to our neighborhoods.

Whether it's investing in technology so people can access content about Jesus, making our facilities a comfortable, safe, and welcoming place, or keeping our team well resourced, we're always looking for ways to better lead and care for our church family.

By partnering with on-the-ground organizations across the world and sending teams to provide support and manpower, we're sharing Jesus with people near and far!
Growth in numbers is not the standard by which anyone can measure God’s blessing. The true test of the glory of God is: Are people’s lives being changed for the better? Are families, marriages, relationships, and mental health being healed? Are people growing in their faith by living it out in practical ways? The answer for us is a resounding YES!
Our growth in numbers is a by-product not of programs, but of ministry. As long as we minister to each other and the world in faith and allegiance to God, he will continue to do what only he can do.
The Goal
Our primary goal is to involve every individual in a spiritual commitment that goes beyond land and buildings. Our prayer is that through this campaign, you will walk in greater commitment and faithfulness to this church body and to God. The decisions you make affect your life, your family, this church, and this city.
The more tangible part of our campaign is to raise $40,000. The money would go towards the following: $12.5K for new carpet, $19K for new chairs, $2.5K for new paint, and $6K for Kids Ministry.
All of these things are long overdue for a remodel. The carpet and chairs are original to when the building was built and the paint is outdated as well. There are also some updates to our Kids Ministry environment that will make it more welcoming and conducive to discipleship.
This goal of $40,000 is very attainable if everyone in our community does their part. Therefore we are adding an additional, optional, add-on to this campaign for $33,000. This extra money would provide for a completely new digital sound system designed specifically for our current sanctuary. This promises to provide even sound distribution through the room as well as increased quality and control of the sound. The above price includes professional installation, ensuring maximum effectiveness to our investment.
We will not start the remodeling until we have reached the full amount of $40,000. If our congregation is sacrificially generous and goes above and beyond, then a new sound system will also become a reality, but it is not part of the main plan. It serves as our Faith Goal.
Our growth in numbers is a by-product not of programs, but of ministry. As long as we minister to each other and the world in faith and allegiance to God, he will continue to do what only he can do.
The Goal
Our primary goal is to involve every individual in a spiritual commitment that goes beyond land and buildings. Our prayer is that through this campaign, you will walk in greater commitment and faithfulness to this church body and to God. The decisions you make affect your life, your family, this church, and this city.
The more tangible part of our campaign is to raise $40,000. The money would go towards the following: $12.5K for new carpet, $19K for new chairs, $2.5K for new paint, and $6K for Kids Ministry.
All of these things are long overdue for a remodel. The carpet and chairs are original to when the building was built and the paint is outdated as well. There are also some updates to our Kids Ministry environment that will make it more welcoming and conducive to discipleship.
This goal of $40,000 is very attainable if everyone in our community does their part. Therefore we are adding an additional, optional, add-on to this campaign for $33,000. This extra money would provide for a completely new digital sound system designed specifically for our current sanctuary. This promises to provide even sound distribution through the room as well as increased quality and control of the sound. The above price includes professional installation, ensuring maximum effectiveness to our investment.
We will not start the remodeling until we have reached the full amount of $40,000. If our congregation is sacrificially generous and goes above and beyond, then a new sound system will also become a reality, but it is not part of the main plan. It serves as our Faith Goal.