Escaping The Fear Of Missing Out

You're scrolling through social media, seeing friends on vacations, at concerts, or just having fun—meanwhile, you're stuck at home.

That sinking feeling in your stomach? That’s FOMO—Fear of Missing Out.

FOMO isn’t just a modern-day quirk. It’s a force shaping our lives, influencing our decisions, and making us feel like we’re never doing enough. It creates anxiety, distracts us from what truly matters, and even pulls us away from God.

But what if there’s another way to live? A way that frees us from the constant pressure to keep up? Let’s explore how God’s Kingdom offers an escape from FOMO and invites us into a life of peace, presence, and joy.

FOMO Is Stealing Your Peace

FOMO keeps us on edge. It whispers, “You’re missing out.” It convinces us that our life is less than because we’re not where someone else is or doing what someone else is doing.

  • Social media fuels this by constantly showing us what others have.
  • King Solomon warned about this in Ecclesiastes—the more we consume, the more we crave.
  • Instead of contentment, we feel restless, anxious, and dissatisfied.
The world tells us we need to do more, be more, experience more. But is that true?

FOMO Is Wrecking Your Relationships

FOMO doesn’t just affect our personal peace; it affects how we connect with others.

  • How many times have you checked your phone while spending time with loved ones?
  • How often do we hesitate to commit—whether to friendships, church, or even social events—just in case something “better” comes along?
This mindset keeps relationships shallow. We’re present but not engaged. We’re available but not committed. Over time, this weakens our connections with the people who matter most.

FOMO Is Pulling You Away from God

The biggest problem with FOMO? It keeps us so busy that we struggle to hear God.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” But stillness is rare in our world.

Think about it:

  • Can you wait in line at the grocery store without pulling out your phone?
  • Can you sit at a red light without checking notifications?
  • If silence makes you uncomfortable, how can you expect to sit quietly in God’s presence?
We say we want to hear from God, but our lives are too noisy to listen.

How God’s Kingdom Frees Us from FOMO

Thankfully, Jesus offers a way out. Instead of chasing the fear of missing out, He invites us to embrace JOMO—the Joy of Missing Out.

1. The Bible Encourages a Simpler Life
In 1 Thessalonians 4:11, Paul gives us simple but powerful advice:

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, mind your own business, and work with your hands."

That’s the opposite of what FOMO teaches. Society says: Stay busy. Stay informed. Stay relevant. But Paul says: Slow down. Focus on what matters.

Ask yourself:

  • What if my goal wasn’t to do more, but to live more intentionally?
  • What if I embraced a simpler, quieter life—one free from the pressure to keep up?

2. Mary and Martha: The Battle Between Busyness and Presence
In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus visits the home of two sisters—Martha and Mary.

  • Martha is busy, rushing around, making preparations, making sure everything is perfect.
  • Mary is still, sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to Him.
Martha complains to Jesus, asking Him to make Mary help. But Jesus responds:

"Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42)

Martha wasn’t doing anything bad. She was serving Jesus. But she was so distracted that she missed what was most important—simply being with Him.

How often do we do the same? We fill our days with good things, but we let them take priority over the best thing: spending time with God.

How to Find Joy in Missing Out

Breaking free from FOMO isn’t about rejecting all activity—it’s about choosing what matters most.

Here are three steps to start living in JOMO—the Joy of Missing Out:

1. Create Space for Stillness
  • Set boundaries with social media.
  • Schedule quiet time with God.
  • Practice being fully present in conversations.

2. Stop Chasing What Doesn’t Satisfy
  • Not every opportunity needs to be taken.
  • More experiences don’t equal more fulfillment.
  • Instead of asking, “What am I missing out on?” ask, “What does God want for me?”

3. Choose What’s Better
  • Jesus said Mary chose what was better. So can we.
  • Choose real community over online comparison.
  • Choose deep relationships over shallow distractions.
  • Choose God’s presence over endless busyness.

The Fear of Missing Out… On What?

FOMO makes us fear missing out on experiences, updates, and opportunities. But the real danger? Missing out on God’s peace, presence, and purpose.

When we stop chasing everything, we gain what actually matters.

So today, let go of the fear. Step into the joy. Be present. Be still. Be with God.

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